Say Hello

We all have early memories of meeting older skaters. Neighbours, local legends, pros—those first people you met and thought to yourself, “Now that’s a skateboarder.” 

If you still skate and are old enough to read this, you fall into at least one of those categories. Whichever it may be, you’re most definitely a skateboarder. That means that when a younger skater meets you, particularly for the first time, they might hold onto that memory for life. Make the most of it.

A grin or a grimace, a nod, a pound, a handshake, a hello—any show of recognition that you share could go a long way. Sure, the kid might quit in a week, but they also might skate for the rest of their life. The might grow up to run the local shop. They could make the next great skate video. Maybe they’ll become a skateboard photographer, or maybe they’ll make skateboard graphics. They might build skateparks, they might even build skateboards. You never know.

The smallest gesture of recognition from a fellow skater might end up making a major impact on a person. So, make eye contact. Say hello. Give them a nod. Stoke the fire. —Jeff Thorburn