Those Days

What do you do on those days when it’s just not there? Those days when you’re a jumble of separate parts on a skateboard: shoes that just won’t grip, feet unhappy with their encasement, and a mess of skin, bones, and weird pants on upward. When you know it’s not there, whatever ‘it’ is for you, do you call it a day and walk away? Do you keep pushing at it anyway, disconnections be damned? Or do you say to hell with it and approach things differently, both figuratively and literally, to see what else you can make of the time on your board? Maybe you just ride around switch and see where that takes you, and then ride around regular trying to make it look and feel switch. Maybe you just sit back and observe what’s going on at the session, around on the street, alone in the lot, or up in the sky. Maybe you sit and stew, or maybe you take a breath and look forward to the next time. Oh, all of the above you say, depending on the day? Yeah, me too. —Jeff Thorburn